Thursday, 5 March 2015

Chiropractic to Improve Balance and Coordination

Chiropractic to Improve Balance and Coordination

Usually strength and endurance are the focus of athletic training, but balance and coordination are just as important. Balance and coordination is controlled by several parts of the body including the eyes and ears. Your eyes and ears pass on the data it has gathered via the nerves to the muscles to appropriately move around gracefully. As you age your senses deteriorate, and as a result balance suffers. The alignment of your neck, spine, and pelvis can affect your balance and coordination. Chiropractic adjustments keep your neck, spine, and pelvis in alignment to help your body achieve optimal balance and coordination. As you age, your body's senses begin to deteriorate which contributes to poor balance. Diseases like arthritis and...Read More

Science Lesson: Why Chiropractic Can Relieve...

Science Lesson: Why Chiropractic Can Relieve...

Doctors of chiropractic are known for treating low back pain – and preventing its recurrence – and recent research emphasizes the science underlying their effectiveness. A recent study suggests chiropractic care (spinal manipulation) can reduce Lower Back Pain, but it also suggests chiropractic can increase spinal disc height. Why is that important? Well, loss of intervertebral disc height is one of the traits of low back pain. Discs are the ligaments between the bony vertebrae that act as shock absorbers for the spine. As we get older, our discs have a tendency to get smaller, which can lead to all kinds of problems, including pain. Fortunately, as this study suggests, chiropractic can help. That's good to know no matter your age and...Read More

Kid Natural on Vitalism

Kid Natural explains his favorite principle - vitalism and why you should trust your body's innate intelligence!

Kid Natural on Vitalism


A Great big hello from all the team


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We look forward to keeping you up to date on events in the practice and upcoming external events, as well as lots of useful information so you can become the best you possible.